Completion of this training satisfies the Idaho educational requirement for handgun safety training to obtain your basic concealed weapons license. After completing this course you must make an appointment with your Sheriff. This is not a certificate for an enhanced CWP.
Concealed Weapons License Handgun Safety Training Course

Welcome to the online Idaho concealed weapon license handgun safety training course presented by the Idaho Sheriffs Association. The ISA and the Sheriffs believe in, and take an oath to uphold, the Constitutions of the State of Idaho and the United States of America. This includes supporting your statutory right to apply for a concealed weapon license. And we believe that your sheriff, as your elected chief law enforcement officer of the county, is the best suited for this training. Furthermore, Sheriffs support the constitutional right of all law abiding citizens to bear arms as long as it is done so in a safe and responsible manner.
Idaho has two types of CWL’s–basic and enhanced. This course provides the necessary training for the basic license only. The enhanced license requires taking an eight -hour personal protection course offered by the NRA or an equivalent course.
For general purposes, if you are 18 years of age or older, a resident of Idaho or a member of the armed forces, and are not disqualified from obtaining a concealed weapons license, you can carry a concealed weapon without a license inside city limits and in unincorporated areas of the county
Completion of this training satisfies the Idaho educational requirement for handgun safety training to obtain your basic concealed weapon license.